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Car Care

  • Protect your vehicle during Monsoon

    CarWale Team , 26-Aug-2015

    Most vehicle owners, even the ones who care and maintain their vehicles meticulously often focus on thepurchase of the vehicle alone and spend little or no time to review the kind of insurance their vehicle needs. The monsoon season is one such time where the right insurance goes a long way in providing financial assistance for timely vehicle repair.
  • How to choose your car Battery

    Omkar Thakur , 28-Jul-2015

    Imagine you are out with your friends, driving your beloved car when you stop for a photo session. After a score of selfies you get back in your car and it just refuses to start, the low battery warning sign starts flashing on your dashboard. You go back a few days when you went out to buy your car battery. You were not really sure which one to buy and then you twist the key for another futile attempt to crank the car. Well, we now have compiled a checklist that will help you zero down on the most appropriate battery for your wheels so that your crazy night out goes on to be memorable.
  • Car Maintenance Myths Busted

    CarWale Team , 16-Apr-2015

    A car is one of the most cherished material possessions for a person. After spending careful thought and hard-earned money on your favourite car, it certainly is a problem when the car's performance begins to dip. The lowered level of happiness with the car can be attributed to maintainence problems. However, before you think of horrible long drawn bills in your hand, we help you with what you need to be doing actually.
  • 7 tips to keep your car ready for road-trips

    Omkar Thakur , 28-Oct-2014

    Imagine yourself, buried under the files, struggling to meet the steep targets your boss has set for this quarter. It is your quarterly review today and you see your boss walking up to you. Dollops of sweat are perched on your brow and a chill runs down your spine. You follow him silently to the meeting room, anticipating a barrage of bullets waiting to pierce your tired soul. It starts with the regular target vs achievement graph and you are busy justifying the reasons for every move and then he turns to the next slide which reads To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live. - Hans Christian Andersen, the renowned Danish fairy-tale writer Well, this does not happen even in movies! And plus a fertile imagination can play tricks on you like this. But with good roads, better cars and an adventurous trait, road-trip plans materialise out of thin air. All you need then, is your car to be roadworthy and fit so that all you have to worry about is how long you would be travelling.
  • How to stay out of trouble this monsoon?

    Omkar Thakur , 22-Jul-2014

    A good beginning is half the battle won! The monsoon is upon us and even though it might not be as ferocious as last year, it is high time we pull up our socks and get our weapons ready to fire. Yes, we are talking about cars - that are going to drive us through the monsoon - facing every obstacle the raingods have to throw at us. We certainly would not want to get stuck in the middle of a heavy downpour trying frantically to avail assistance.
  • Car maintenance myth busted

    , 15-Mar-2012

    Everyone has his version on how to best maintain a car. Chances however are, these 'tips', far from being helpful, could actually ruin your car. We delve deep to separate the truth from the myths
  • Warming up for winter days

    , 15-Jan-2012

    Top tips on how to care for your precious car this winter season
  • Expiry Dates and Auto Parts.

    , 01-Jan-2012

    Car parts expired. Nothing lasts forever. Not even auto parts. Our checklist of what will need replacing.
  • All about alloys

    , 01-Oct-2011

    An alloy wheel can change the way your car looks. We help you choose wisely to improve your car's performance.
  • It’s raining men!

    , 15-Aug-2011

    AUTO BILD INDIA has some handy wet weather tips even as the heavens open up

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